Wooden CD presentation box

£6.49 (CDWOODBOX-143mm)

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A wooden hinged lid CD presentation box for either storing discs on their own, or ideally within plain or printed card wallets. You can fit up to six CDs in printed card wallets within the box if required, so they can also be ideal for multi-disc sets or collectors sets. We can also offer full colour on-body lid printing of the boxes using a high quality UV-LED permanent print, please order from our sister site here.

Also suitable for packaging necklaces, bracelets and wedding favours. 

The internal dimensions measure 125.5mm x 125.5mm x 20mm (10mm height in each half of the clamshell, so 20mm in total)

The external dimensions measure 143mm x 143mm x 27mm

Each box weighs 146g